Saturday, February 14, 2015

How to make money with quality link building service

In internet lingo, money equates to traffic and traffic equates to search engine results and that equates to the number of quality links you have in your website. In simple terms:

Quality links = high page rank = more traffic = more money
In more simple terms, the better your website has links with other popular websites, the more popular your website gets. To understand what link building is all about, you need to understand search engine optimization techniques and its relevance to this topic.

SEO and link building
There are billions of websites out there. When you hit a keyword in your search engine, it brings back few million results. Of that, it poses top 10 website in its first page. Why do those ten always get the top 10 position? Reason one is that the website has been around for quite some time, maybe 3 or 4 years. Reason two is that is has lots of people logging into it every day because of its good content. Reason three is that it has been optimized properly to attract the search engines.
Taking the reason three, there are plenty of ways in which a website can be optimized. One part if that SEO is link building.

Link building
Your website, say is about ecommerce. You sell items or promote items for electronic niche. You find another website, which provides servicing for electronic products. That website is not your competitor, but an associated website in the same niche. You request that website to link you. In
this fashion, you go on building links with various websites to get quality back links. This is called as link building.
By building number of links, you are proving to your users and the search engines that you have good credibility. How? If you link to another website say, that website will approve it only if your website is good and sells legitimate products. Else your request will be rejected.
This is just one tiny part of a big operation called quality link building and this is the service you will provide to your customers.

Why do webmaster outsource link building services?
It is a time consuming process. It eats up valuable time for the webmasters. Hence, they try to outsource this mundane task to any takers who are looking for extra money. You can start with hourly rate or rate per project. These usually start at $50 per project.

Who can provide link building service?
Any person who has fairly good idea about SEO, Google search algorithms, internet public relation, press releases, directory submissions, sponsored links, paid pinks, bad links, banned websites, etc can provide this service.

How to advertise your service?
You need to advertise your service. You can use word of mouth through friends and relative or use freelancing websites to find job. In this kind of work, you have to fend for yourself. Making the mark is what counts. To do that, you have to sell
your strategy. It has to work for the client before he or she can give you a good feedback and track record.
You can also place ads through internet advertising agencies such as AdWords, adbrite, etc. This will create you a good opportunity to show your website as an example of your work. If your page can rank within first 10 results, then your clientele will increase massively.
What strategy is the most effective?
There are plenty of strategy and each website requires a different strategy. You have to manipulate every factor and see which one suits best for your client’s website. To start with, you can practice on your own website and submit it to niche related free directories and paid directories.

Directory submission
Search engines will look first into such directories to see the websites related to that keyword and then sort them according to their page ranks. SEO is not always about page rank. Best websites have as much as 5 million quality links. That is quite a lot.

Associate with niche websites
Link your home page only and always to websites related to the client’s website. Linking a website without any relevance can cause suspicion to search engines.

Caching the page
The home pages of some websites keep changing often. The search engines should record the change and that is called caching. If not, the user will think it is old content and skip the website. Checking the cache is your duty. This is the way you can understand whether or not your link building is working at all.

Good link vs bad links
There are websites that have been banned by search engines. You can get a list of those from the directories. Avoid these websites at all cost. They are like rotten apples. It can rot the entire lot. The search engines will consequently ban every website associated with it. Good links are those, which are the search engine’s favourite and rank at number 1 to 10. Getting links from these will boost the credibility.

Paid vs free links
Page rank 1 to 10 sometimes accept one way linking upon payment. Before accepting your bid, those websites will check whether or not your website is worth getting linked to. Free links can be obtained through article submissions and press releases from high page rank free submission websites.

Avoid reciprocal links
If you are linking to a website and that seems to have 50 links already to it, reciprocating should be avoided. Read this post to understand more.

Bottom line
These are separate strategies, which need to be put in together in certain customized order to make it work for each and every client’s needs. Your expertise will increase with more clients you handle. You can earn as much as $400 per project. You can also offer discounted packages to clinch deals for a limited period of time. Once your clientele and credibility increase, your income will steadily increase.

Success stories
Look at these stories to understand on how to approach a potential linking website.